Client Testimonial: A Stronger Team & More Engaged Company

Team culture is always evolving, but engaging the team in co-designing solutions is a sure way to get the consistent results you want to see. Have you ever come through a period of change unsure of how people are doing or worried about the state of team culture?

Strata Research Ltd. was mid-way through their 3rd year of business. The company had evolved in this short time and the team had grown. Founder and CEO, James Barr, wanted to do a pulse check to really understand where the team was doing well and where there was opportunity to improve.

We started with a qualitative survey that invited team members to anonymously share their experience working in the Strata team. Next, I turned their stories into an insights report that we could discuss and interpret all together. 

Here’s what we did in a half-day working session with the full team:

  • Discuss thoughts and reactions to the report

  • Reflect on how team culture is supporting (or not) the company’s mission

  • Identify the unmet needs of the team and individuals

  • Generate solution ideas to strengthen team culture

If you’re feeling tensions internally or want to strengthen team dynamics like Strata, here are the types of results you can achieve:

  • A highly engaging process that hears from everyone

  • A clear sense of the problem areas and what the team sees as a priority

  • Solutions that come from the team with clear next steps that everyone agreed on

  • Clear roles and shared accountability to the culture we want to have

Within three months of implementing their action plan, the Strata team had:

  • Broke down silos in the team and improved relationships

  • Created additional redundancies to make vacation and sick time easy

  • Assigned tasks and shared bi-weekly updates on four key areas of focus

  • Improved problem-solving and innovation through a bold new way to structure project work

“We’ve become more engaged as a company as a whole because of doing this work together. This was a chance for everyone to take a beat to think about it and share thoughts thoroughly—when usually this type of stuff would just come out in random slack messages” - James Barr

Team culture is always evolving. It’s up to everyone to create the desired culture and a facilitator can help the team break through barriers and raise the bar for how you work together.

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I’d love to help you overcome any team challenges you're facing so that you can maximize your impact. 

Let’s start with a conversation! Schedule a call.

If you want to learn more, check out my website.


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